Two year ago, the Fukushima nuclear disaster caused by earthquake and tsunami was the most serious event in this decade. The surrounding areas of Fukushima is still stuck in that moment.
Thanks to Google "Street View". They got the streetscape images from the prohibition area :Namie-machi to let the world to have a glimpse of the terrible reality. 21,000 residents in the Namie-machi who are still unable to return home to avoid the radiation damage since 2 years ago the disaster occurred.
Google Street View:Namie-machi prohibition area
Google also cooperate with the Japan local government to build up the Website: Memories for the Future where people can upload photos or video records about this disaster by attaching on the real location on the map where it has been taken.
Website: Memories for the future
Another great online digital database build by National Diet Library of Japan for both official and unofficial purposes to have more transparent and effective information use:” Hybrid Infrastructure for National Archive of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Innovative Knowledge Utilization” which contain any kind of data from Rikkyo University Symbiosis Centre for Social Research, Harvard University, Northeastern University, Fuji TV and other institutions, and Google, Yahoo! as long as it is 311 earthquake-related.
The abbreviation of this database is “HINAGEJEIKU” which is the meaning of the "daisy" in Japanese. Daisy florid "future", "hope" is just the keynote and the establishment of this database!